Strong points
Growth stimulation
The upper and lower jaws have growth centers that can be stimulated to increase growth. A small palate can be expanded by stretching its suture with an orthodontic appliance.
Preventive treatment
Often future orthodontic problems are foreseeable and preventable. For example, a placeholder will prevent crowding in case a milk tooth is lost too soon, greatly simplify later treatment and maybe even avoid extraction of permanent teeth.
Comfortable and easy to clean
Functional appliance are often removable and even fixed ones have minimal contact with teeth, so they are easy to clean and comfortable. Bonus: they are also very discreet, practibly invisble!
Catch the problems early
The main goal of functional appliances is to correct the big problems as early as possible so that the teeth and jaws develop correctly. During later treatment in permanent teeth, mostly small alignment problems remain.
Reduces time with braces
Treatment time with braces or aligners can be significantly shortened after a succesful functional appliance. For example, bringing the lower jaw forwards requires about one year when done with braces or aligners, time which can be saved with a functional appliance.