We specialize in orthodontics. We treat children and adults, but we also take care of multidisciplinary treatments that require maxillofacial surgery, prosthetic restoration and periodontics.
Miniscrews are the real revolution
Miniscrews let the orthodontist correct problems that were previously impossible.
From high precision tooth movements to growing the jaw, we can do almost anything.
This is why we specialized in miniscrews. By routinely using them we avoid compromises that harm the teeth and lead to unstable results.
Oral hygiene
We strive to help all our patients achieve the best possible oral hygiene. For our orthodontic patients, excellent dental hygiene is an absolute requirement during treatment. We check the oral hygiene at every control and do regular cleaning when necessary.
The airflow experience„Free braces“
In cases of severe malocclusion, the insurance pays for the orthodontic treatment. To determine the severity, the international IOTN grading is used. Find out more about the conditions below.
The IOTN scale